文章連結: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/eight-essential-steps-transform-our-economy/
目前多數大學所教導的經濟學,使用錯誤的理論於倫理原則,它推崇與獎勵那些剝削地球有限資源,填滿自己荷包的人。這造成貧富的不均與社會精神病理學﹝societal psychopathology﹞。有錢人追求財富,以口袋馬克馬克為安心。殊不知,就貨幣學的原理,一切的盈餘都是廢物,一個人能吃、能穿的有限,為了支撐“無謂的”金錢遊戲,而產生了消費文明,進一步危害地球的生態。如何獎勵做人類與地球有益的工作 – 或稱永生的工作 - 是我們應該用心探討的問題。
經濟學何以促進社會精神病理學﹝societal psychopathology﹞?錯誤的經濟學理論,致使貧富懸殊,社會不公,造成精神病理學的問題,如憂鬱症、精神病患與自殺人口的增加。
An economic system that serves everyone and the planet is necessary for our survival. Here are some guiding principles.
We’re running out of time. There’s spreading awareness of the institutional failure that is driving humans toward self-extinction, and related calls for a deep transformation of our economy. This is happening in every quarter, from college campuses to the Vatican to the U.S. presidential debates. Everywhere we hear calls for an economy that serves the well-being of people and Earth.
Pope Francis has spoken of the social and environmental failures of an economy devoted to the idolatry of money. Workers and their unions are joining in with the wrenching observation that, “There are no good jobs on a dead planet.”
There is a related rising awareness of the need for a serious update to how we study and think about economics and prepare our future leaders. With few exceptions, economics, as it’s taught in universities, relies on the same badly flawed theories and ethical principles that bear major responsibility for the unfolding crisis. It values life only for its market price; uses GDP growth as the defining measure of economic performance; assures students that maximizing personal financial return benefits society; recommends policies that prioritize corporate profits over human and planetary well-being; and ignores the natural limits of a finite planet.
如何研究與思考經濟學並為未來的領導者做好準備的需要日益受到重視,除少數的例外,大學中所教導的經濟學,倚賴相同錯誤的理論與倫理的原則,對正在發展中的危機負有主要的責任。以市場價格為生命計價,使用GDP成長作為經濟績效的決定性衡量標準; 向學生保證最大化個人財務回報對社會有益; 建議以企業利潤優先於人類和我們所居住星球幸福的政策;忽略了有限行星的自然限制。
Here are eight guiding principles for a reformed economic theory to guide our path to a new economy for the 21st century.
Principle 1: Evaluate the economy’s performance by indicators of the well-being of people and planet; not the growth of GDP.
原則 1:以人類與星球的福祉作為經濟表現的指標,而不是 GDP 的成長。
Growing GDP serves well if our goal is only to increase the financial assets of the rich so they can claim an ever-growing share of the remaining real wealth of a dying Earth. If our priority is to meet the essential needs for food, water, shelter, and other basics for all the world’s people, then we must measure for those results so that we can get the outcomes we really want.
若我們的目標只是去增加富人的金融資產,因此他們可以佔據垂死星球剩餘真正財富一個不斷成長的比率,GDP 的成長會是一個好的指標。若我們的主要任務是去滿足世界所有人口食物、用水與住所與其他基本的需要,那麼我們必須測量這些因子使我們得到真正想要的結果。
Principle 2: Seek only that which benefits life; not that which harms life.
原則 2:只生命有益的追求;不是那些有害生命的。
We should seek to eliminate war, financial speculation, consumption of harmful or unnecessary products, and industrial agriculture that pollutes the soil, air, and water and produces food of questionable nutritional value. We can eliminate most driving by designing infrastructure to support people living close to where they work, shop, and play. We can eliminate most global movement of people and goods by keeping production and consumption local, using recycled materials, and substituting electronic communication for global business travel.
The labor and resources thus freed up can be redirected to raising and educating our children, caring for the elderly, restoring the health and vitality of Earth’s regenerative systems, rebuilding the social infrastructure of community, and rebuilding physical infrastructure in ways that reduce dependence on fossil fuels and simultaneously strengthen our beneficial connections with one another and nature.
Principle 3: Honor and reward all who provide beneficial labor, including nature; not those who exploit it to get rich.
原則 3:推崇並獎勵那提供包括對人與對自然環境有助益工作的人;不是那些剝削它而致富的人。
Life depends on the labor of nature and people. Too often, the current economic system rewards those claiming ownership rather than those performing useful labor. Instead we should follow the model set by traditional societies, in which we earn our share in the surplus of the commons through our labor in service of it. Much of the current economy’s dysfunction can be overcome by eliminating the division of society between owners and workers—a problem corrected through worker ownership combined with an ethical frame that recognizes our well-being depends on much more than just financial return.
Principle 4: Create society’s money supply through a transparent public process to advance the common good; not through proprietary processes that grow the profits of for-profit banks.
原則 4:透過一個透明的流程建立社會的貨幣供應去推動公共的福祉;而不是透過為營利的銀行產生利益的專有流程。
In a modern society, those who control the creation and allocation of money control the lives of everyone. It defies reason to assume that society benefits from giving this power to global for-profit banks dedicated to maximizing profits for the already richest among us. The system of money creation and allocation must be public, transparent, and accountable to the people. It must reside in democratic governments and be administered by public banks supplemented by individual community-owned, cooperative banks whose lending supports local home and business ownership.
Principle 5: Educate for a lifetime of learning in service to life-seeking communities; not for service to for-profit corporations.
原則 5:終身學習的教育去服務追求生命的社區服務;而不是為營利的公司服務。
Most university economics courses currently promote societal psychopathology as a human ideal and give legitimacy to institutions that serve only to make money, without regard for the common good. We must prepare youth for future leadership that builds on a moral foundation that recognizes our responsibility for one another and Earth, favors cooperation over competition, and prioritizes life over money and community well-being over corporate profits.
No one knows how to get where we now must go, and education cannot provide us with answers we do not have. Education can, however, prepare us to be lifelong learners, skilled in asking the right questions and in working together to find and share answers.
Principle 6: Create and apply technology only to serve life; not to displace or destroy it.
原則 6:只生產與應用為生命服務的技術;而不是取代或破壞生命的技術。
Technology must be life’s servant. Deciding how to apply technology based solely on what will produce the greatest short-term financial return is madness. Humans have the right and the means to assure that technology is used only to serve humanity as a whole, such as by eliminating destructive environmental impacts, restoring the regenerative capacity of Earth systems, facilitating global understanding, and advancing social justice, cooperation, and learning.
Principle 7: Organize as cooperative, inclusive, self-reliant, regenerative communities that share knowledge and technology to serve life; not as incorporated pools of money competing to grow by exploiting life.
原則 7:組織成為包容,自力更生,社區再生的合作社,共享為生活服務的知識和技術;而不是將金錢集中於透過剝削生命的競爭中追求成長。
We can meet our needs through constant cyclical flows of resources. That was our standard way of living until less than 100 years ago. We can do it again. Urban and rural dwellers can rediscover their interdependence as cities source food, timber, fiber, pulp, and recreational opportunities from nearby rural areas and rural areas regenerate their soils with biowastes from nearby urban areas and enjoy the benefits of urban culture. Suburbs can convert to urban or rural habitats.
Principle 8: Seek a mutually beneficial population balance between humans and Earth’s other species; not the dominance of humans over all others.
原則 8:尋求一個人類與地球其他生物互利的人口數量平衡、不是由人支配其他的生物。
The health of any natural ecosystem depends on its ability to balance the populations of its varied species. This means maintaining free access to reproductive health care options and removing barriers to women in education and the workplace. Only starting from this point can we both maintain a free society and manage our population size.
The basic frame of 21st century economics contrasts sharply with that of the 20th century economics it must now displace. The new frame is far more complex and nuanced. Yet most people can readily grasp it because it is logical, consistent with foundational ethical principles, and reflects the reality that most people are kind, honest, find pleasure in helping others, and recognize that we all depend on the health of our Mother Earth.
21 世紀經濟學的架構與現在必須被取代的 20 世紀有極大的差異。新的架構更為複雜與精緻入微。但是多數可以很容易的掌握因為它是邏輯的,合乎基礎的倫理原則,反映出多數人是善良的、誠實的,在協助他人中找到樂趣,並了解我們所有人的生存都仰賴我們地球母親的健康。
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